Ahssen BOUDEHEB - Commercial design Department - is a Senior expert in agitation. He is in relationship with factories and engineering offices. a.boudeheb@mixel.fr
Michel PELLETIER - Commercial Design Department - is an expert in agitation and is in Relationship with factories and boiler makers. m.pelletier@mixel.fr
David CHADIER - Commercial Design Department - Junior expert in agitation - environment, drinking water, waste water, industrial effluents, sludge digestion.d.chadier@mixel.fr
Romain PERRET, - Commercial Design Department - back-office technical sales engineer, definition and quotation of agitators - r.perret@mixel.fr
Raphaëlle THIEBERGER - Commercial Design Department - back-office technical sales engineer, definition and quotation of agitators - r.thieberger@mixel.fr
Shanshan ZHU, Technical Sales Engineer for China, is in charge of relationship with Mixel Chinese factory zhu.shanshan@mixel.fr
Yuan GAO, agitation expert, in charge of Mixel activities in Beijing.y.gao@mixel.fr