Mixel, l'art du mélange The art of mixing
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graphiqueSelectionRapide AP125 AP250 AP400 AP600

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Unit price
€ HT

Choose your AGIPRO

AP125AGIPRO 125 1B6Ref. 1233010056215
AP125coated with HALARAGIPRO 125 1B6Ref. 1233010097915
AP250AGIPRO 250 1B6Ref. 1233020091120
AP250coated with HALARAGIPRO 250 1B6Ref. 12330200145520
AP400AGIPRO 400 1B6Ref. 12330300118530
AP400coated with HALARAGIPRO 400 1B6Ref. 12330300177130
AP600AGIPRO 600 1B6Ref. 12330400150360


AP600 Flange400x400mm / 304Lref. 1016350021818
AP250/400 Flange250x250mm / 304Lref. 10014200673.5
AP125 flange250x250mm SS304Lref. 12361000693.5
AP125 steel holderGalvanised steel/ø200ref. 1197040116411
AP400 steel holderGalvanised steel/ø160ref. 1197040017711
AP125 stainless steel clampMotor flange ø 200 / 304Lref. 123728002807
AP250/400 stainless steel clampMotor flange ø 160 / 304Lref. 123726002607
Turbine 400CONTAINERMIX 4 blades / ø25ref. 123615002523.25
TT125 propelleron 1-part hubref. 123310001790.26
TT250 Propelleron 1-part hubref. 100166001790.55
TT400 Propelleron 1-part hubref. 123299002072
TT600 Propelleron 1-part hubref. 110903001798
Frequency inverter Monophase AP1250.75MOFrequency inverter VFD007E21A / MONOMonophase 0.75 kW 230V3061.1
Frequency inverter Triphase AP1250.75TRFrequency inverter VFD007E43A / TRITriphase 0.75 kW 400-460V3861.2
Frequency inverter Monophase AP2500.4MPFrequency inverter VFD004E21A / MONOMonophase 0.4 kW 230V2941.1
Frequency inverter Triphase AP2500.4TRFrequency inverter VFD004E43A / TRITriphase 0.4 kW 400-460V3681.2
Frequency inverter P400 monophase0.75MOFrequency inverter VFD007E21A / MONOMonophase 0.75 kW 230V3061.1
Frequency inverter AP400 triphase0.75TRFrequency inverter VFD007E43A / TRITriphase 0.75 kW 400-460V3861.2
Frequency inverter AP600 monophase1.5MOFrequency inverter VFD015E21A / MONOMonophase 1.5 kW 230V3621.1
Frequency inverter AP600 triphase1.5TRFrequency inverter VFD015E43A / TRITriphase 1.5 kW 400-460V4211.2


REDUCING LENGTH OF AGITATION SHAFT (Maxi standard length = 1200mm)
REDUCING LENGTH OF AGITATION SHAFT (Maxi standard length = 1500mm)
REDUCING LENGTH OF AGITATION SHAFT (Maxi standard length = 1500mm)
REDUCING LENGTH OF AGITATION SHAFT (Maxi standard length = 2000mm)
ML AP125/250/400500Reducing length of agitation shaft to 500mm60
ML AP125/250/400550Reducing length of agitation shaft to 550mm60
ML AP125/250/400600Reducing length of agitation shaft to 600mm60
ML AP125/250/400650Reducing length of agitation shaft to 650mm90
ML AP125/250/400700Reducing length of agitation shaft to 700mm60
ML AP125/250/400750Reducing length of agitation shaft to 750mm60
ML AP125/250/400800Reducing length of agitation shaft to 800mm60
ML AP125/250/400850Reducing length of agitation shaft to 850mm60
ML AP125/250/400900Reducing length of agitation shaft to 900mm60
ML AP125/250/400950Reducing length of agitation shaft to 950mm60
ML AP125/250/4001000Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1000mm60
ML AP125/250/4001050Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1050mm60
ML AP125/250/4001100Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1100mm60
ML AP125/250/4001150Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1150mm60
ML AP250/4001200Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1200mm60
ML AP250/4001250Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1250mm60
ML AP250/4001300Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1300mm60
ML AP250/4001350Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1350mm60
ML AP250/4001400Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1400mm60
ML AP250/4001450Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1450mm60
ML AP600600Reducing length of agitation shaft to 600mm90
ML AP600650Reducing length of agitation shaft to 650mm90
ML AP600700Reducing length of agitation shaft to 700mm90
ML AP600750Reducing length of agitation shaft to 750mm90
ML AP600800Reducing length of agitation shaft to 800mm90
ML AP600850Reducing length of agitation shaft to 850mm90
ML AP600900Reducing length of agitation shaft to 900mm90
ML AP600950Reducing length of agitation shaft to 950mm90
ML AP6001000Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1000mm90
ML AP6001050Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1050mm90
ML AP6001100Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1100mm90
ML AP6001150Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1150mm90
ML AP6001200Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1200mm90
ML AP6001250Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1250mm90
ML AP6001300Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1300mm90
ML AP6001350Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1350mm90
ML AP6001400Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1400mm90
ML AP6001450Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1450mm90
ML AP6001500Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1500mm90
ML AP6001550Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1550mm90
ML AP6001600Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1600mm90
ML AP6001650Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1650mm90
ML AP6001700Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1700mm90
ML AP6001750Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1750mm90
ML AP6001800Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1800mm90
ML AP6001850Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1850mm90
ML AP6001900Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1900mm90
ML AP6001950Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1950mm90

Price estimate

Unit price
€ HT


AP125AGIPRO 125 1B6Ref. 1233010056200150
AP125coated with HALARAGIPRO 125 1B6Ref. 1233010097900150
AP250AGIPRO 250 1B6Ref. 1233020091100200
AP250coated with HALARAGIPRO 250 1B6Ref. 12330200145500200
AP400AGIPRO 400 1B6Ref. 12330300118500300
AP400coated with HALARAGIPRO 400 1B6Ref. 12330300177100300
AP600AGIPRO 600 1B6Ref. 12330400150300600


AP600 Flange400x400mm / 304Lref. 1016350021800180
AP250/400 Flange250x250mm / 304Lref. 1001420067003.50
AP125 flange250x250mm SS304Lref. 1236100069003.50
AP125 steel holderGalvanised steel/ø200ref. 1197040116400110
AP400 steel holderGalvanised steel/ø160ref. 1197040017700110
AP125 stainless steel clampMotor flange ø 200 / 304Lref. 123728002800070
AP250/400 stainless steel clampMotor flange ø 160 / 304Lref. 123726002600070
Turbine 400CONTAINERMIX 4 blades / ø25ref. 12361500252003.250
TT125 propelleron 1-part hubref. 12331000179000.260
TT250 Propelleron 1-part hubref. 10016600179000.550
TT400 Propelleron 1-part hubref. 123299002070020
TT600 Propelleron 1-part hubref. 110903001790080
Frequency inverter Monophase AP1250.75MOFrequency inverter VFD007E21A / MONOMonophase 0.75 kW 230V306001.10
Frequency inverter Triphase AP1250.75TRFrequency inverter VFD007E43A / TRITriphase 0.75 kW 400-460V386001.20
Frequency inverter Monophase AP2500.4MPFrequency inverter VFD004E21A / MONOMonophase 0.4 kW 230V294001.10
Frequency inverter Triphase AP2500.4TRFrequency inverter VFD004E43A / TRITriphase 0.4 kW 400-460V368001.20
Frequency inverter P400 monophase0.75MOFrequency inverter VFD007E21A / MONOMonophase 0.75 kW 230V306001.10
Frequency inverter AP400 triphase0.75TRFrequency inverter VFD007E43A / TRITriphase 0.75 kW 400-460V386001.20
Frequency inverter AP600 monophase1.5MOFrequency inverter VFD015E21A / MONOMonophase 1.5 kW 230V362001.10
Frequency inverter AP600 triphase1.5TRFrequency inverter VFD015E43A / TRITriphase 1.5 kW 400-460V421001.20


ML AP125/250/400500Reducing length of agitation shaft to 500mm60000
ML AP125/250/400550Reducing length of agitation shaft to 550mm60000
ML AP125/250/400600Reducing length of agitation shaft to 600mm60000
ML AP125/250/400650Reducing length of agitation shaft to 650mm90000
ML AP125/250/400700Reducing length of agitation shaft to 700mm60000
ML AP125/250/400750Reducing length of agitation shaft to 750mm60000
ML AP125/250/400800Reducing length of agitation shaft to 800mm60000
ML AP125/250/400850Reducing length of agitation shaft to 850mm60000
ML AP125/250/400900Reducing length of agitation shaft to 900mm60000
ML AP125/250/400950Reducing length of agitation shaft to 950mm60000
ML AP125/250/4001000Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1000mm60000
ML AP125/250/4001050Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1050mm60000
ML AP125/250/4001100Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1100mm60000
ML AP125/250/4001150Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1150mm60000
ML AP250/4001200Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1200mm60000
ML AP250/4001250Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1250mm60000
ML AP250/4001300Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1300mm60000
ML AP250/4001350Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1350mm60000
ML AP250/4001400Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1400mm60000
ML AP250/4001450Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1450mm60000
ML AP600600Reducing length of agitation shaft to 600mm90000
ML AP600650Reducing length of agitation shaft to 650mm90000
ML AP600700Reducing length of agitation shaft to 700mm90000
ML AP600750Reducing length of agitation shaft to 750mm90000
ML AP600800Reducing length of agitation shaft to 800mm90000
ML AP600850Reducing length of agitation shaft to 850mm90000
ML AP600900Reducing length of agitation shaft to 900mm90000
ML AP600950Reducing length of agitation shaft to 950mm90000
ML AP6001000Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1000mm90000
ML AP6001050Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1050mm90000
ML AP6001100Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1100mm90000
ML AP6001150Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1150mm90000
ML AP6001200Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1200mm90000
ML AP6001250Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1250mm90000
ML AP6001300Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1300mm90000
ML AP6001350Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1350mm90000
ML AP6001400Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1400mm90000
ML AP6001450Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1450mm90000
ML AP6001500Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1500mm90000
ML AP6001550Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1550mm90000
ML AP6001600Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1600mm90000
ML AP6001650Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1650mm90000
ML AP6001700Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1700mm90000
ML AP6001750Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1750mm90000
ML AP6001800Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1800mm90000
ML AP6001850Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1850mm90000
ML AP6001900Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1900mm90000
ML AP6001950Reducing length of agitation shaft to 1950mm90000
Total price € HT0
Total weight kg0
Transport €0
Total price with transport €0
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  • IN BRIEF...
    • 1969 creation of Mixel
    • 45 000 Agitators installed in the world
    • 2 production sites Lyon-France, Pékin-Chine
    Download Mixel Brochure contact@mixel.fr


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